Take Our Unsafe Streets Survey! Make Our Roads Safer!

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Which road do you believe is the least safe for travel? We want to hear from you!

The City of Sanford has secured a $200,000 Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Planning Grant from the US DOT. This grant will be instrumental in crafting a safety action plan to reduce road fatalities and injuries in our community.

We invite you to identify the roads you believe are least safe for travel, specifying concerns for drivers, bikers, or pedestrians and indicating the time of year when these safety issues are most pronounced. 

Matthew Hill, Sanford's Director of Public Works, underscored the grant's significance, stating, 'The SS4A grant enables us to develop an Action Plan. Once complete, we'll seek SS4A Fund support to address safety concerns outlined in the Plan.' Additionally, this process may uncover other funding opportunities to bolster our safety initiatives.

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